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Zoning Fact Sheets

As part of the Zoning Code rewrite, planners will reorganize, revise, and simplify the county Zoning Code to make it easier to use. Currently, the Montgomery County Zoning Code contains 119 zones, each with applicable development standards. We are in the process of posting a series of one-page fact sheets that represent 30 of these zones as examples of how development looks across the County. Each sheet will reflect development standards, as applicable in a zone, including:

  • minimum area
  • setbacks
  • height restrictions
  • open/green area
  • parking requirements

Zoning Fact Sheet

Patterns of development are shown by aerial images. For complete regulations, please refer to the Montgomery County Zoning Ordinance.
The full series is under development.

This series will feature ten of the 30 residential zones established in the Zoning Code. This land use classification allows dwelling unit types such as one-family detached, townhouse, and multi-family. Other compatible non-residential uses are allowed by special exception. These examples are based on the standard method of development.


This series will feature four of the 12 commercial zones established in the Zoning Code. This land use classification allows activities such as the sale of goods and services, offices, institutional and recreational uses. These examples are based on the standard method of development.

Mixed Use

This series will feature seven of the 22 mixed-use zones established in the Zoning Code. This land use classification allows a combination of different use classifications within a single development. This type of development may include a variety of complementary and integrated uses, such as residential, office, manufacturing, retail, public, or entertainment, in a compact urban form.


This series will feature the six industrial zones established in the Zoning Code. This land use classification allows economic activities such as manufacturing, research & development, and warehousing and storage. These examples are based on the standard method of development


This series will feature four of the seven agricultural zones established in the Zoning Code. This land use classification allows for the production, keeping, or maintenance of plants, animals, and farming equipment. It is a priority of the County to promote agriculture as the primary land use for areas designated for agricultural preservation. Residential uses are permitted and certain commercial uses are allowed by special exception.

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Zoning Montgomery is a website dedicated to the multi-year process of reorganizing, revising, and simplifying the county’s current zoning ordinance to accommodate the most ideal future development