Meetings and Events
Updated May 5, 2015
The following list shows you not only our meetings, but also events we are attending in the community. In addition to coming to outreach events, you can schedule a time to meet with staff in our offices in Silver Spring, in Bethesda, or at your own group's meeting. To schedule a time, contact us! You can also host an event, such as a happy hour or reception, for conversation about your interests or concerns. We will be pleased to attend. We will regularly update the following list to let you know with whom we've been meeting. Public Meetings/Events are in bold and are hosted by the Montgomery County Planning Department.
- April 14 - Presentation to Women's Democratic Club of Montgomery COunty
- April 8 - Ourisman Honda Bethesda Avenue
- April 8 - Wisconsin Avenue- 7 Eleven, Union Hardware, Eagle Bank
- April 7 - Bethesda Fire Department
- April 3 - 4720 Montgomery Lane
- March 30 - Rugby Avenue/Brightview Property
- March 25 - 4500 East West Highway
- March 23 - 4740 Chevy Chase Drive
- March 23 - Edgemoor Citizens Association
- March 20 -4520 East West Highway
- March 19 - 7140 Wisconsin Avenue
- March 12 - City Commons
- March 11 - East Bethesda Citizens Association
- March 11 - 7000 Wisconsin Avenue
- March 11 - Old Georgetown Road
- Mary 9 - St. John's Property
- March 9 - 4910 Bethesda Avenue
- February 24 - Rosedale Avenue Residents
- February 24 - Bethesda Chevy Chase Chamber of Commerce
- Febrauary 20 - Woodmont Triangle Action Group
- February 18 - East Bethesda Citizens Association - RESCHEDULED (March 11th tentative)
- February 18 - 7900 Woodmont Avenue, 3 lots on St Elmo
- February 13 - Woodmont Triangle Action Group - RESCHEDULED (Feb 20th)
- February 12 - Arts & Entertainment District Board Meeting
- February 11 - Andy Altman: Streetscape Partners
- February 5 - Middleton Lane Residents
- February 5 - The Writer's Center at 4508 Walsh Street
- February 4 - Battery Lane, Bradley Blvd and Stratmore Street
- January 30 - Woodmont Triangle Action Group
- January 29 - Bethesda Downtown Plan Public Meeting
- January 28 - 4740 Chevy Chase Drive
- January 26 - Vince Burke: Saul Property
- January 23 - Montgomery County Public Schools
- January 23 - 4885 Edgemoor Lane
- January 22 - SK&I Happy Hour
- January 21 - Bethesda Metro Center
- January 20 - Bethesda Urban Partnership
- January 16 - Montgomery County Department of Transportation
- January 15 - Town of Chevy Chase
- January 14 - Sacks Neighborhood
- January 9 - 4829 West Lane
- January 7 - Clark Enterprises
- December 11 - Briefing of Planning Board on Plan Concepts
- December 9 - Town of Chevy Chase
- December 8 - Launch of Online Feedback Loop about Plan Concepts
- December 3 - Arts and Entertainment District Board
- November 18- Woodmont Avenue and Moorland Lane
- November 14 - Aldon Management, HOC and Fire Station #6 re South Bethesda
- November 14 - Woodmont Triangle Action Group monthly meeting
- November 13 - Wellington Condominium Board; located on Strathmore Street
- November 7 - 6925 Arlington Road
- November 7 - 6801 Wisconsin Avenue and St John's Episcopal Church
- October 31 - East West Highway - Montgomery Gateway Site
- October 29 - HOC Properties - Several
- October 29- Property Owners' Forum Online
- October 27 - 7140 Wisconsin Avenue - Valanos Property
- October 27 - Town of Chevy Chase
- October 27 - Union Hardware - 7800 Wisconsin Avenue
- October 24 - 7201 Wisconsin Avenue
- October 22 - Bethesda Chevy Chase Chamber of Commerce Real Estate Committee Meeting
- October 22 - 4885 Edgemoor Lane
- October 17 - St John's Episcopal Church
- October 17- Clark Construction re Bethesda Metro Center
- October 10 - Woodmont Triangle Action Group monthly meeting
- October 9 - Arts and Entertainment District Board monthly meeting
- October 6 - Bethesda Magazine
- October 1 - Nottingham Drive Neighborhood
- September 30 - Sacks Neighborhood
- September 23 - 7901 Wisconsin Avenue
- September 17 - Woodmont East - Federal Realty Investment Trust
- September 17 - 4816 Moorland Lane
- Septmember 14 - 4740 Chevy Chase Drive
- September 12 - Woodmont Triangle Action Group - staff ex-officio member
- September 11 - Arts and Entertainment District Board - staff ex-officio member
- September 5 - Aldon Managment, HOC and Fire Station re South Bethesda
- September 3 - American Gastoenterological Association on Del Ray
- September 3 - Brookfield re Bethesda Metro Center
- September 3 - Woodmont East - Federal Realty Investment Trust
- August 13 - Donohoe Properties
- August 11 - Vince Burke, Saul Properties
- August 5- Bernstein Management next to Womens Cooperative Farm Market
- August 4 - 4424 Montgomery Avenue
- July 31- Fairmont Building NE Corner of Old Georgetown Road intersection
- July 24- Coalition of Bethesda Communities
- July 22 - St John's Church
- July 21- Womens Cooperative Farm Market Site Visit
- July 16- Apex Building
- July 16 - Happy Hour Hosted by Streetsense, JBG, Clark Construction and partners
- June 27 - 4723 Elm Street Property June 26 - Pearl Street/District Properties
- June 25 - 4500 Avondale Place Property
- June 24 - Aldon Properties Battery Lane, Bradley Boulevard
- June 19 - 6801 Wisconsin Avenue Property
- June 19 - Bethesda Rescue Squad Property
- June 18 -Christ Lutheran Church Property
May 17 - Public Workshop- Visions for Specific Areas within Downtown Bethesda
- June 12 - Arts and Entertainment District Board Meeting - ex officio member (absent)
- June 10 - 4311 Montgomery Avenue Property
- June 4 - Coalition of Bethesda Communities
- June 4 - Bradley and Wisconsin Avenue Rescue Squad Property
- June 4 - EuroMotorCars Property
- June 3 - Tommy Joe's/Pines of Rome Properties
- June 3 - 4885 Edgemoor Lane Property
- June 3 - Union Hardware block with Barbara Sears
- May 29 - 7316 Wisconsin Avenue Property
- May 29 - Stanford/Walsh Street Properties
- May 29 - Union Hardware Property Wisconsin Avenue
- May 28 - 6801 and 6831 Wisconsin Avenue Property
- May 28 - B-CC High School - staff volunteer with Urban Plan program
- May 21- Federal Realty Investment Trust Property on Bethesda Avenue
- May 21 - Valanos Property
- May 20 - Bernstein Companies Bethesda Center
- May 20 - Bethesda Urban Partnership Board
- May 19- Maloney Woodmont Properties
May 17 - Public Workshop- Visions for Specific Areas within Downtown Bethesda
- May 15 - Happy Hour hosted by Young Leaders in Affordable Housing at Caddie's
- May 13 - 4341 Montgomery Avenue
- May 7 - Washington (WREIT) Properties
- May 7 - Carr Property
- May 6 - Zoning Update and Conversions Public Meeting B-CC Regional Services Center
- May 1 - Bethesda Chevy Chase High School students - topic: parks and open space
- April 30 - Happy Hour at Tommy Joe's Hosted by Greater Greater Washington, Congress for New Urbanism DC Chapter and YIPPS
- April 25 - Jody Klein - topic:
- April 23 - Bernstein Property Next to Farm Womens Cooperative Market
- April 22 - Linowes and Blocher Law Firm
- April 11 - Pearl and East West Highway Property- NE Corner
- April 11 - Woodmont Triangle Action Group - staff serves as ex officio member
- April 10 - Arts and Entertainment District Board - staff serves as ex officio member
- April 10 - Public Meeting - Open House Bethesda Downtown Plan - Recent Work on the Plan
- April 8 Vince Burke
- April 8 Department of General Services - Montgomery County
- April 3 - Arlington Road Property next to Trail - with Parks Dept
- April 2 - Lerch Early and Brewer Law Firm
- April 1 - County Properties with Greg Ossont
- April 1 - Bethesda Urban Partnership Chair
- March 27 - Town of Chevy Chase
- March 25 - St John's Church
- March 24- Valanos Property
- March 17 - Union Hardware
- March 14 - Woodmont Triangle Action Group - staff serves as ex officio member
- March 13 Arts and Entertainment District Board - staff serves as ex officio member
- March 13 - Avondale Street Property - new date
- March 12- Parks Department - Caroline Freeland Park Faciilty Plan Community Meeting
- March 12 - La Madeleine Site
- March 7 - Flying V Theater
- March 7 - 410 Property
- March 6 - Dan Hoffman, Chief Innovation Officer for Montgomery County March 5 - AMR Commercial
- March 5 - 4424 Montgomery Avenue
- Monday, March 3 - Avondale Street Property -postponed
- Saturday March 1 - Public Meeting/Workshop - 9:30 AM- 1:00 PM at the Bethesda Chevy Chase High School.
- Thursday, February 27 - 4630 Montgomery Avenue
- Friday, February 14 - Woodmont Triangle Action Group - Parks Department Staff presenting on Urban Parks
- Thursday, February 13 - Arts and Entertainment District Board - staff iserves as ex officio member
- Tuesday, February 11 - The Downtown Bethesda Condo Assn (City Homes, The Edgemoor, the Edgemoor II, Hamden Square, Villages of Bethesda, the Christopher, Fairmont Plaza, the Chase, and Lionsgate. The Kenwood and Kenwood Forest II participate as observers.]
- Monday February 10- Arlington and Bradley Boulevard Property
Wednesday, February 5 - Bethesda Police Station Site - StonebridgeCarras
- Friday, January 31 -
Brookfield and Metro Center
- Friday, January 31 - Federal Realty Investment Trust and Woodmont East
- Thursday, January 30 - Scope of Work at Planning Board
- Wednesday, January 29 - Donohoe - Woodmont Central, Hilton Garden Inn, historic Post Office
- Wednesday, January 29 - Montgomery County Public Library
- Monday, January 27, 2014 - Public Meeting - Presentation and Q&A regarding draft Scope of Work
- Friday, January 24 - Montgomery Children's Museum
- Thursday, January 23 - Greater Bethesda Chevy Chase Chamber of Commerce
- Wednesday, January 22 - 7500 Pearl Streete
- Wednesday, January 22 - Lenny Greenberg
- Friday, January 10 - BF Saul
- Friday, January 10- Montgomery Avenue Corridor - ProMark
- Thursday, January 9 - Arts and Entertainment District Board Meeting
- Tuesday January 7 - Sacks Neighborhood
- Tuesday January 7 - Housing Opportunities Commission
- (Friday, January 10, 2013) Postponed -Woodmont Triangle Action Group - (regular meeting at which staff serves as ex-officio member)
- Monday, January 6, 2014 - 4885 Edgemoor Lane
- Friday, December 20 - ProMark Property Owner, Montgomery Avenue
- Tuesday, December 17- Bethesda Arts and Entertainment District Board (regular meeting at which staff serves as ex-officio member)
- Tuesday, December 17 - Bradley Shopping Center
- Monday, December 9 - Bethesda Green
- Tuesday, December 3 - Property Owner, 7140 Wisconsin Avenue
- Tuesday, December 3 - Property Owners Bethesda Travel Center (4422 East West Highway) & Bethesda Dental Care (4425 Montgomery Avenue)
- Monday, November 25 - Aldon Management Properties - 4857, 4858, 4890 Battery Lane; 4701, 4730, 4740 Bradley Boulevard; 4750, 4757 Chevy Chase Drive; 8218 Wisconsin Avenue
- Tuesday, November 19 - Bethesda Urban Partnership Board
- Friday, November 15 - Lerch Early Brewer Land Use Seminar - Panelist, Planning Director Wright (8-10 am)
- Friday, November 15 - Bethesda Transportation Management District Advisory Board - Hisel-McCoy (7:45-8:30 am)
- Friday, November 15 - Bethesda Arts and Entertainment District Board - Rifkin (8-9 am)
- Thursday, November 14 - *Drop In Public Meeting The Writer's Center
- Wednesday, November 6 - *Drop In Public Meeting, Imagination Stage
- Monday, November 4 - *Kick Off Public Meeting Bethesda Regional Services Center
- Wednesday, October 23 - Bethesda-Chevy Chase Chamber of Commerce Real Estate Committee
Meetings and Events - In Detail
Tour Downtown Bethesda 10-12 This Saturday 9/13/14
with the Coalition for Smarter Growth
The invitation from the Coalition for Smarter Growth says: "Explore key opportunities for change, including new transit connections, needed pedestrian and bike improvements, new approaches to open space, and innovative ways to address housing demand and affordability. We'll also talk about how smart growth design principles can transform not only a building, but the surrounding neighborhood as well. Our tours are active, so please wear sturdy shoes and sunscreen, and bring a water bottle!"
Use this link: smarter growth to find out more about this tour.
Bethesda Central Farm Market - Sunday July 20th
Stop by to find out more about the Bethesda Downtown Plan! We will be somewhere in the midst of artisan cheeses, organic produce, homemade Turkish food and gluten free desserts! Come chat with Elza Hisel-McCoy , Rachel Newhouse (Parks Department), and Lisa Tate on the 20th. The market is in the parking lot of the Bethesda Elementary School. More informatin here: bethesda-central.
A VERY Full House Banters about Bethesda's Future - July 16th
The "Untapped Perspectives" Happy Hour last night hosted by Streetsense was a great success. The final count of the number of guests is not in yet. We do know that this event, targetted specifically for those of you who are millennials, garnered over 500 RSVP's. As we have reported, over 40% of you who live in Downtown Bethesda and many who work here, are millenials. We had the great pleasure of speaking with many of you last night.
If you were there, you may have been approached by roaming Streetsense staff armed with ipads asking a variety of questions about your interests and preferences. We hope that each of you were also invited to become part of a public "Feedback Loop" for the Bethesda Downtown Plan by Bethesda Planners who were also circulating. We want to make sure that we are casting a wide net and hearing from a variety of perspectives. The Feedback Loop will be useful in our hearing your thoughts on the preliminary plan recommendations that are scheduled to be completed in the late fall. Everyone on our e-newsletter list will have the opportunity to participate.
Bethesda Planners brought the draft Framework Plan that is underway and were busy all night answering questions and listening to guests. IN addition, Streetsense will be sharing with us what they learned at the range of engaging stations and activities they set up to gather insights. Watch for more in the coming weeks.
Thank you to hosts Streetsense, JBG and Clark Construction. If you would like to host an event, please contact Margaret K. Rifkin, AICP, RLA, 301 495 4583;
Watch the Planning Board Bethesda Downtown Plan Briefing - June 26th
On Thursday morning June 26th, your Bethesda Downtown planning team will
brief the Planning Board on progress on the Plan. You are invited to attend in
person at 8787 Georgia Ave. at the Planning Department Headquarters, watch
online or listen to the meeting on your phone. Please keep in mind that the
Planning Board will not be taking testimony at this time. This is one of the
regular briefings that the Board receives during a plan update. Here is a link
to the online agenda ; the staff report and the
page where you can listen and watch the live action in real time.
See the Presentation to the Planning Board on June 26
View the full presentation (pdf, 12MB) from the briefing given by the Bethesda Downtown Plan team to the Planning Board on June 26 on the progress of the plan.
See EcoDistrict Presentations! from the June 18 Workshop

This Southwest Washington DC Ecodistrict image is courtesy of the National Capital Planning Commission. The image is by ZGF Architects.
The Montgomery County Planning Department held a community workshop on the EcoDistrict concept for the Bethesda Downtown Plan on Wednesday, June 18th at the Bethesda/Chevy Chase Regional Services Center.The workshop introduced the concepts and principles of an EcoDistrict, with examples from across the country. Participants helped define goals and objectives and set priorities for incorporation into the Bethesda Downtown Plan.
New - View the presentation from the Ecodistrict Community Workshop from ZGF Architect and EcoDistrict expert Otto Condon - EcoDistricts: A Primer
New - Last night’s Bethesda Downtown Plan EcoDistrict Workshop brought out more than 45 members of the community to learn about concepts, examples, and the development of goals and strategies for possible EcoDistricts in Downtown Bethesda. See the presentation from Environmental Planner, Tina Schneider. Learn more and check back for the audio . We will post it soon..
May 17th Workshop
Video Recap from May 17 Workshop
Check out this video which gives a recap from residents and planners from the May 17 Design and Planning Workshop where the Framework Concept Plan was presented.
See the slide presentation from the May 17th workshop
Here is the link. BDP May 17 Workshop Presentation . Find out about the draft Framework Concept, and the current staff thinking on Parks and Open Space, the Environment, Complete Streets and Urban Design and Street Character!
Planners Focus on Workshop Results
Do you ever wonder exactly what happens after all your drawings and notes are rolled up after the workshop? This photo is of the team in house debriefing in our auditorium on the Monday morning after the Saturday May 17th Workshop. Planners took turns presenting the work from your groups. Notes you wrote on drawings are typed up and photos of each trace overlay are taken. This information is shared with the entire Bethesda Downtown Plan team and will be made available for your viewing as well.
Pictured above left to right, are Matt Folden, Transportation planner, Elza Hisel-McCoy, project manager, Marc DeOcampo, master planner/supervisor, Gwen Wright director, Rachel Davis Newhouse, Park Planner Coordinator and Mike Bello urban designer from a different team who volunteered to help at the workshop. He presents the work of the 'Bonfire Maple" group on the Bethesda Avenue/Arlington Road area. Pictures by Margaret K. Rifkin, outreach coordinator.
Facilitator Crystal Myers presents the 'Ginkgo' group's work on the Wisconsin Avenue Corridor to fellow planners.
Facilitator Rachel Newhouse, Planner Coordinator from the Parks Department, presents the character selections of the 'London Plane' group. To her left on the wall are the photographs used from the Visual Preferences Survey, to represent different types of character resulting from different levels of intensity of use.
Division Chief Robert Kronenberg reads from notes provided by the 'Sawtooth Oak' group concerning the Wisconsin Avenue Corridor. Marc DeCampo, Supervisor then follows with the work from the 'Bloodgood' group.
See the slide presentation from the May 17th workshop
Here is the link. BDP May 17 Workshop Presentation . Find out about the draft Framework Concept, and the current staff thinking on Parks and Open Space, the Environment, Complete Streets and Urban Design and Street Character!
See the slide presentation from the May 17th workshop
Here is the link. BDP May 17 Workshop Presentation . Find out about the draft Framework Concept, and the current staff thinking on Parks and Open Space, the Environment, Complete Streets and Urban Design and Street Character!
Thank you for joining us at the YLAH-Hosted Happy Hour last Thursday
Thank you for coming and talking with us about the Bethesda Downtown Plan at Caddie's last Thursday. Stay tuned for our next appearance at a Happy watching for one in June. Please also consider inviting us to yours...
Emerging Leaders Create Happy Hour Buzz at Tommy Joe's
Great conversations about making Bethesda even better were the topics at last night's Happy Hour at Tommy Joe's sponsored by Greater Greater Washington, Congress for New Urbanism's DC Chapter and YIPPS ( Young Innovative Professional Planning Superstars).
Three short 20X20 (20 slides 20 seconds each) presentations included one by Doug Firstenberg of Stonebridge Carras about Bethesda, one by Marc DeOcampo, a Bethesda Planner, about encouraging people to "Make Your Mark" on Bethesda, and one by volunteer urban designer JC Alaya with creative ideas for improving downtown Silver Spring. People mingled and had animated one on one conversations. Many wrote comments on paper covered tables, & exchanged contact information. Some received advice from seasoned professionals about how to effect change. People who came included condo owners from the Battery Lane neighborhood, a professional planner from one of the Institutes at NIH, a transportation activist from the Bradley Boulevard neighborhood as well as other young professionals from the sponsoring groups.
Draft Framework Plan for your comment
On Saturday we hosted a second workshop for the Bethesda Downtown Plan at Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School. We presented a draft framework concept for the plan based on feedback from numerous community meetings and discussions held since last fall.
Description of the Draft Framework Concept
The concept, above, shows several areas as "Expanded Centers of Activity" and two as Emerging Centers of Activity. These designations were informed by the community work at the March 1 Workshop. A "Symbolic Center" is shown at the Metro Station which acknowledges the fact that while the area is not a retail destination and center of a variety of activities, it is indeed a "Symbolic Center" and a transit destination. Blue circles show where lively, enhanced "Civic Gathering Space" can be in the future.The framework concept also shows other existing and proposed open spaces.
The big areas of color that range from light to dark in tones of gold and orange, represent levels of density ranging from lower to higher. Many areas along the edge of the Downtown are left without any color overlay since they are low density transition areas.
The draft framework concept shows three types of streets based on pedestrian use:
- A Street:
- -"Main Street"
- -Pedestrian Activity
- -Retail Focus
- B Street
- -Medium Pedestrian actjivity
- -Connecting
- C Street
- -Emerging "B" street
- -improved connections
Break Out Sessions
This was followed by a break-out session where participants worked in groups to focus on specific areas and provide comments on the framework concept. The group shown here is looking at the Wisconsin Avenue Corridor and using images from the Visual Preference Survey, is identifying what scale they believe is appropriate in varous areas. You can see the blue bubbles they are drawing on the plan and the photos, A,B,C,D and E, showing streets lined with buildings, each image representing a different scale.
Open House Draws Many
Many of you came to find out about the planning process and see our work so far.
We are still in the middle of the planning process. The Draft Plan is scheduled to go to the Planning Board starting in Fall 2014. There is still time to weigh in. Last night, people asked questions and discussed their ideas and concerns with planners. Both newcomers and long-time participants attended: residents and development professionals. Representatives from the Woodmont Triangle Action Group and the Arts and Entertainment District Board were there as well.
The Boards we presented can be downloaded here:
- Board A - Planning Process
- Board B - Big Ideas
- Board C - Districts
- Board D - Open Space
- Board E - Circulation.
Two of the guests at the open house conversing about the future of Bethesda and its Districts
A first time participant who is a member of the community (and an urban planner) adds her comments to a growing list.
People saw:
- A new diagram that shows the prevailing thoughts about subareas, centers and connections.
- Updated posters of existing conditions and what we have heard so far.
There were several questions displayed on posters. People could respond with colored dots. The questions were:
- Which are your highest priority districts to focus on? The map below shows miodifications to the 1994 Plan's division of the area into districts.
- What do you want outdoors? (Show us your priorities.) The most popular were "A place with grass and strees and benches" and "A place to gather with friends". We know this isn't a proper social scientist's survey, but it does help us to know you and your priorities.
- Which one way streets should be two way?
- Which streets should be closed to cars for special events?
We will post questions online in the upcoming months to find out more about what you would like Bethesda to be like in the future.
A discussion about crosswalks with Matt Folden, the planning team's expert on transportation.
Reaching Resident Millennials
Well known local blog, BethesdaNow, reported on our March 1st workshop noting the successful draw of 130 participants but questioned who was largely missing. "But mostly missing were millennials, the 20- to 34-year-olds who the Planning Department says make up 40 percent of the roughly 10,610 residents of the 450-acre downtown Bethesda area," wrote Aaron Kraut. "Planners counted six of them at the March 1 meeting." See the entire BethesdaNow article here.
The March 1 workshop was well attended. Here, Robert Kronenberg of the Planning Department serves as the facilitator for a group. Residents, property owners and development professionals participated. Photo from BethesdaNow.
March 1st Workshop - Recap
Over 130 people attended a workshop on the Bethesda Downtown Plan. Watch the short recap video below to find out what happened at this event hosted by the Montgomery Planning Department. Here are the maps and drawings used by the participants to answer four questions:
- What do you want to be able to Bike to in Downtown Bethesda?
- Where should there be more Green Space in Downtown Bethesda?
- Where is it Most Difficult to Cross the Street in Downtown Bethesda?
- Where is the Heart of Downtown Bethesda?
Their answers will help to inform the recommendations of the plan. There are also drawings prepared by each of fourteen small groups. They are being used to inform our work creating several big picture alternatives. Those alternatives will be provided for community discussion as a next step.