March 1, 2014 Workshop
The March 1 workshop was well attended. Here, Robert Kronenberg of the Planning Department serves as the facilitator for a group. Residents, property owners and development professionals participated. Photo from BethesdaNow.
Bethesda Downtown Plan Workshop on 3/1/14
Watch this short recap to find out what happened at the Bethesda Downtown Plan Workshop on March 1, hosted by the Montgomery Planning Department. Here is a link to all the products from the workshop. We are using them to inform several big picture alternatives that we are creating. Those alternatives will be provided for community discussion as a next step.
What Do You Want to Bike to in Downtown Bethesda?
On Saturday, 130 people attended a workshop on the Bethesda Downtown Plan. These maps reveal how people answered four questions. They used sets of colored dots which they placed on each map to respond. Their answers will help to inform the recommendations of the plan.
- What do you want to be able to Bike to in Downtown Bethesda?
- Where should there be more Green Space in Downtown Bethesda?
- Where is it Most Difficult to Cross the Street in Downtown Bethesda?
- Where is the Heart of Downtown Bethesda?
Send us your responses via e-mail at
Where Should There Be More Green Space in Downtown Bethesda?
Where is It most Difficult to Cross the Street in Downtown Bethesda?
Where is the Heart of Downtown Bethesda?
Send us your responses via e-mail at
Walk or Bike to the Workshop and Enter Here!
The main entrance to the High School, as you know, is on the westside of the building, the side nearest to the Metro Station. Head to that side of the building. Note the grand main entrance with wide stairway will be on your left. Don't go there. Walk to the far right and and enter by the triple doors. You can see them just beyond the blue topped recylling containers in the below photo.
Here is the Program for Saturday's Workshop!
9:30 AM - Doors Open - Sign In & Coffee: Planning Activities including Newcomer Briefings
10:00 AM - Welcome - Gwen Wright Planning Director
10:20 AM - Create an Updated Planning & Design Concept for Downtown Bethesda - in Groups of 7-8
11:30 AM - Report Out from Each Group
12:40 PM - Closing Remarks by Gwen Wright Planning Director
If you register here, today, you will be helping the environment. You see, we will be printing maps and assembling other materials. YOu can help us get the numbers right by registering now. We want to have enough for everyone and don't want to be wasteful. Many thanks for your help. We are looking forward to hosting you.
ng Workshop on March 1st at the Bethesda Chevy Chase High School 9:30 am - 1:00 pm. Watch here for more details.
To invite us to meet with your own group Contact Elza Hisel-McCoy or Margaret K. Rifkin at to make arrangements.
Save the Date! Saturday March 1st, 9:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Public WorkshopWhat ideas do you have for Bethesda's future? At this public workshop, you will be able to work with a small group considering a variety of questions about what you would like to see. Come talk, listen, write and draw. Each group will then be able to present a summary of its thinking; what its members agreed upon and where they differed, as well as ideas for implementation.
Wisconsin Avenue shown above, has been evolving into a green tree lined boulevard over the years. This was part of the community's vision for Bethesda.
Watch here for more detailed information about the upcoming public workshop. In the meantime, the Bethesda Planners are very busy completing work summarizing the existing conditions in Downtown Bethesda, meeting with property owners and community groups, and preparing for the workshop.
How can you participate?
- Stay connected - Join our e-mail list and follow us on Twitter (@bethesdaplanner, #bethesdadowntownplan) to receive the latest updates
- Attend Outreach Events
- Write to us
- Meet with us (see below)
Meet with us
In addition to outreach events, beginning November 4, you can schedule a time to meet with staff in our offices in Silver Spring, in Bethesda, or at your own group's meeting. To schedule a time, contact us! We will regularly update the following list to let you know with whom we've been me
Twitter: @bethesdaplanner
Elza Hisel-McCoy, Project Manager 301 495 2115
Questions and to arrange a Meeting with Bethesda Planners
Margaret K. Rifkin, Outreach 301 495 4583
Our Public Meetings & Outreach Activities, Website & Social Media Content
Matt Folden, Transportation 301 495 4538
Tina Schneider, Environment 301 495 2101
John Marcolin, Urban Design 301 495 4547
Last updated: August 1, 2016