Montgomery County
Planning Department
2425 Reedie Drive, 14th Floor
Wheaton, MD 20902
Planning Department
2425 Reedie Drive, 14th Floor
Wheaton, MD 20902
The SMA for the Aspen Hill Minor Master Plan Amendment was approved by Council Council on July 28, 2015. The amended zoning, consistent with the recommendations contained in the Minor Master Plan, can be found on the official zoning map and website.
On March 31, 2015, the County Council approved, with revisions, the Planning Board Draft Minor Master Plan Amendment. The Council approved Plan was brought to the full Commission (Montgomery and Prince George's Counties) for final adoption on May 20, 2015.
Click to view the approved and adopted Minor Master Plan Amendment and associated supplemental resource materials (appendices).
Staff began the review of the matrix of key issues with the Planning Board that includes comments by residents, property owners, business owners, neighborhood associations, and other County agencies that were received during the public hearing comment period.
Over 70 residents, business owners, and other interested community members attended the meeting at which staff presented preliminary draft plan recommendations and general traffic impact analysis for various potential uses.
Thirty-one residents, business owners, and neighborhood association members joined Planning Department staff at the Aspen Hill Library to introduce and discuss the minor master plan amendment process.
- meeting agenda and presentation
- aerial map of the minor amendment area
In April 2013, the Montgomery County Council approved the incorporation of three Minor Master Plan Amendments into the County’s planning work program: the Bethesda Purple Line Station; Sandy Spring Rural Village; and Aspen Hill. The County Council programmed the Aspen Hill Minor Master Plan Amendment to begin in January 2014.
The Aspen Hill Minor Master Plan Amendment process addresses approximately 14 acres of land located west of the intersection of Connecticut Avenue and Aspen Hill Road, the majority of which was recommended for office zoning in the 1994 Aspen Hill Master Plan. The minor amendment process provides an opportunity to reassess the Subject area and analyze alternative redevelopment and zoning opportunities. The review considers existing development potential and reevaluates the area’s potential within the context of a changing office market in the County as a whole, the intent and rationale of the 1994 Aspen Hill Master Plan, and any impacts to the surrounding land uses and transportation network.
Andrea Gilles, Project Lead, 301-495-4541 (se habla español)
Luis Estrada, 301-495-4641 (se habla español)
Aaron Zimmerman, 301-495-4629
Ed Axler, 301-495-4536
Last updated: June 13, 2017