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North Bethesda/Garrett Park Master Plan

Approved and Adopted July 1992

Contact: Nkosi Yearwood, 301-495-1332 or

NOTE: Please be aware that the page numbering shown on each page does not apply to this media. The numbers shown at the bottom of each page do not correspond to the printed version of the Master Plan. The complete document is represented by the index below.

Abstract & Table of Contents

Plan Highlights

Area History
Planning Framework
Concurrent Planning Activities
Development Profiles
Pending Development Contiguous to North Bethesda
Plan Objectives

Land Use And Zoning Plan
Twinbrook Sector Plan Area
White Flint Sector Plan Area
Grosvenor Sector Plan Area
Key Vacant or Redevelopable Parcels
Garrett Park Overlay District
Rock Spring Park

Urban Design Plan
Rockville Pike Corridor
Twinbrook/Montrose Crossing
White Flint
Rock Spring Park

Transportation Plan
Overview and Recommendations
The Traffic Forecasting Process
Results of Road Systems Analysis
Results of Transit Services Analysis
Results of Transportation Demand Management Analysis
Results of Development Review Regulatory Standards Analysis
Results of Reservation of Future Transitways Analysis
Results of Bicycle and Pedestrian Analysis

Historic Resources
Overview and Recommendations
Development of the North Bethesda/Garrett Park Community
Resources Designated on the Master Plan for Historic Preservation
Resources Evaluated for Master Plan Designation
Historic District Plan
Historic Preservation Designation Creiteria
Effects of Historic Designation

Community Facilities Plan
Overview and Recommendations
Park and Recreation Facilities
Community Recreation Centers
Public Schools
Cultural Facilities
Public Safety
Post Offices
Elderly Housing Facilities
Child Day Care Facilities
Housing for Special Populations

Environmental Resources Plan
Overview and Recommendations
Tree Preservation
Green Corridors
Air Quality
Stormwater Management
Water and Sewer


Approval-Final Draft North Bethesda/Garrett Park Master Plan
Adoption-Final Draft North Bethesda/Garrett Park Master Plan
Approval-Planning Board (Final) Draft Staging Amend to 1992 North Bethesda-Garrett Park Master Plan
Adoption-Planning Board (Final) Draft Staging Amend to 1992 North Bethesda-Garrett Park Master Plan
Approval-Planning Board (Final) Draft Staging Amendment for a Conference Center/Hotel Complex
Adoption-Planning Board (Final) Draft Staging Amendment for a Conference Center/Hotel Complex

List of Figures
Plan Highlights
Master Plan Development Process

  1. Planning Area Map
  2. Regional Location Map
  3. General Plan
  4. Distribution of Commuters from North Bethesda
  5. Residence Distribution - NRC Employees
  6. Residence Distribution - DHHS Employees
  7. Distribution of Commuters to Jobs in North Bethesda
  8. Pipeline or Pending Development
  9. Registered Loophole Properties

Land Use and Zoning Plan

  1. Existing Land Use
  2. Existing Zoning
  3. Twinbrook Sector Plan Area - Existing Zoning
  4. Twinbrook Sector Plan Area - Proposed Base Zones
  5. Twinbrook Sector Plan Area - Proposed Floating Zones
  6. Twinbrook Sector Plan Sub-Areas
  7. White Flint Sector Plan Area - Existing Zoning
  8. White Flint Sector Plan Area - Proposed Base/Floating Zones
  9. White Flint Sector Plan Area - Proposed Floating Zones
  10. White Flint Sector Plan Sub-Areas
  11. Grosvenor Sector Plan Area - Existing Zoning
  12. Grosvenor Sector Plan Area - Proposed Bae/Floating Zones
  13. Grosvenor Sector Plan Sub-Areas
  14. Key Vacant or Redevelopable Parcels
  15. Wilgus Tract - Existing Zoning, Proposed Base/Floating Zones
  16. Proposed Zoning Changes (Outside Sector Plan Areas and Rock Spring Park)
  17. Garrett Park Overlay District - Vacant Lots
  18. Garrett Park Overlay District - Lot Distribution
  19. Rock Spring Park Parcels
  20. Rock Spring Park - Existing Zoning
  21. Rock Spring Park - Proposed Base/Floating Zones

Urban Design Plan

  1. Planning Area Concept Diagram
  2. Opportunities and Constraints
  3. Urban Design Comparison (Existing Condition)
  4. Street Network Comparison (Existing Condition)
  5. Parking Comparison (Existing Condition)
  6. Building Height Comparison (Existing Condition)
  7. Main Street Comparison
  8. Rockville Pike Street Sections (Existing)
  9. Twinbrook / Montrose Crossing Concept Diagram
  10. Twinbrook Illustrative Plan
  11. White Flint Concept Diagram
  12. White Flint West Illustrative Plan
  13. White Flint East Illustrative Plan
  14. Grosvenor Concept Diagram
  15. Grosvenor Illustrative Plan
  16. Rockville Spring Park Concept Diagram
  17. Streetscape Concept - Urban Tertiary
  18. Streetscape Concept - Business Street
  19. Streetscape Concept - East-West 'Main Street' (White Flint)
  20. Streetscape Prototype Concept - Rockville Pike

Transportation Plan

  1. Existing Highways
  2. Proposed Public Transportation Systems Improvements
  3. Montrose Parkway Proposals
  4. Proposed Local Circulation Improvements
  5. Proposed Highway Capacity Improvements
  6. 1970 Master Plan Roads to be Deleted
  7. Future Transitway Alignment
  8. Proposed Bikeway Plan
  9. Location of Portals for High Capacity Network
  10. Total Morning Peak Hour Inbound Traffic Portals
  11. Intersection Levels of Service (A.M. Peak) 1989 Conditions
  12. Intersection Levels of Service (P.M. Peak) 1989 Conditions
  13. Public Transit Coverage

Historic Resources

  1. Historic Resources
  2. Wilkins Estate Environmental Setting
  3. Garrett Park Historic District

Community Facilities Plan

  1. Existing Parkland
  2. Existing Public Facilities
  3. Montrose Parkway-Ownership Status
  4. Walter Johnson Cluster
  5. Proposed Community Facilities

Environmental Resources Plan

  1. Stormwater Management

List of Tables

  1. Daily Passenger Boardings by Metro Station
  2. North Bethesda Profile
  3. New Non-Residential Building Completions by Type 1980-1989
  4. Loophole Registrant Development Potential Seventy-Fifth Percentile Density Yield
  5. Loophole Registrant Development Potential Maximum Theoretical Yield
  6. Garrett Park Overlay District - Vacant Lots
  7. Garrett Park - Summary of Existing Development Standards
  8. Existing and Potential Development at Rock Spring Park
  9. Streets Requiring Special Design Treatment
  10. Identification of Master Plan Strategies Improved Transportation in N. Bethesda
  11. Highway and Street Classificiations
  12. Bikeway Plan
  13. Developed Parks in North Bethesda-Garrett Park
  14. Ballfield Inventory, Public Schools

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