Shady Grove Sector Plan Transit Station Area
Approved and Adopted, April 1977
NOTE: The page numbering shown on each page does not apply to this media. The numbers shown at the bottom of each page do not correspond to the printed version of the Master Plan. The complete document is represented by the index above.
- Introduction
- The Plan
- The Planning Process
- Time Frame
Chapter 2 - Summary of the Plan
- Introduction
- Recommendations
- Shady Grove in Transition
- The Future: Issues for Planning
Chapter 3 - Framework for Planning
- Development and Zoning History
- Policy Guidelines
- Community Facilities and Services
- Private Development
Chapter 4 - Regional and Local Community Facilities
- Introduction
- Regional Public Facilities
- Local Community Facilities
- Introduction
- Existing Transportation System
- Master Plans - Major Transportation Elements
- Transportation Analysis
- Proposed Transportation Plan
- Introduction
- Physical Characteristics of the Area
- Computer Mapping Program
- Specific Problems
Chapter 7 - Office/Industrial, Employment And Convenience Commercial Studies
- Introduction
- Office/Industrial and Employment Study
- Convenience Commercial Study
- Planning Concepts
- Basis for Land Use Recommendations
- Land Use Elements
- Introduction
- General Recommendation
- General Design Criteria
- Specific Recommendations
- Introduction
- Implementation Procedures and Strategy
- Implementation Recommendations
- Regional Map
- Sector Plan Area
- Proposed Major Public Projects
- Existing Zoning
- Existing Sewer and Water
- Existing Employment and Commercial Areas
- Existing Land Use 1976
- Transportation Analysis Area
- Existing Roadway Network
- 1976 Average Daily Traffic
- 1976 Total Peak Hour Traffic Volumes
- Metro and Commuter Rail Systems
- Composite Gaithersburg Vicinity and Rock Creek Highway Plan
- 1984 Metro Traffic Without I-370 Connector Road
- 1984 Total Traffic Without I-370 Connector Road
- 1984 Metro Traffic With I-370 Connector Road
- 1984 Total Traffic With I-370 Connector Road
- Proposed Transportation Plan
- Proposed Bikeway Plan
- Estimated Noise Levels Along Selected Highways
- Computer Factor Map Showing Shallow Bedrock
- Computer Factor Map Showing Mature Tree Cover
- Computer Composite Map with Land Use Overprint
- Computer Composite Map Legend and Histogram
- Crabb's Branch Sub-watershed
- Concept Plan
- Proposed Land Use 1984
- Planning Analysis Area
- Proposed Zoning Changes
- Suggested Interchangeable Light Standards
- Suggested Shady Grove Signing
- Before/After Concept Sketch: PEPCO's Derwood Substation
- Before/After Concept Sketch: Maryland Route 355
- Before/After Concept Sketch: Industrial Area on Oakmont Avenue
- Before/After Concept Sketch: Community Storage on Redland Road
- Before/After Concept Sketch: Midway Shopping Center
- Proposed Sectional Map Amendment
- 10-Year Sewer Service Area
- Proposed Land Use - Inside Back Cover
- Proposed Zoning and Highway Plan - Inside Back Cover
- Illustrative Landscape Plan - Inside Back Cover
- Recommended Plant Materials - Inside Back Cover
- Summary of Existing and Proposed Elementary School Enrollment, Shady Grove Area
- Street and Highway Classification
- Composite Map Statistics, Undeveloped Area
- Zoning Profile
- Planning Analysis Areas: Summary
- High Priority Capital Improvements Projects
- Montgomery County Capital Improvements Program Recommendations