Montgomery County
Planning Department
2425 Reedie Drive, 14th Floor
Wheaton, MD 20902
Planning Department
2425 Reedie Drive, 14th Floor
Wheaton, MD 20902
The Life Sciences Center (LSC) Loop Trail is recommended in the GSSC Master Plan as one of the steps for achieving the plan goals. This 3.5-mile cycling and walking path will knit together five districts within the Life Sciences Center area near Gaithersburg and will connect to the Corridor Cities Transitway, a proposed bus rapid transit route. The Trail Loop will help to achieve the increased non-auto driver mode share requirements established in the Master Plan.
A $60,000 grant from the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments enabled the Montgomery County Planning Department to hire a consultant, Alexandria, Virginia-based Rhodeside and Harwell, to develop design guidelines for the LSC Loop Trail. Inspiration came from the Indianapolis Cultural Trail with its creative mix of landscaping, signage and public art, and private funding of construction.
Next steps in the LSC Loop Trail project include presentations of the recently completed trail design guidelines to the Planning Board, Upcounty Services Center and community groups. Clear, well-crafted messaging is needed to convey the scope, goal and benefits of the trail to win public support and potential funding from the County, developers and private sources.
View the LSC Loop Trail Design Guidelines draft.
Steve Findley
Planner and LSCP Loop Project Manager