Then & Now
Supplement Fact Sheets (1993)
Front Matter (pdf, 254KB)
Table of Contents (pdf, 331KB)
The General Plan 21 Years Later Fact Sheet
- What is "..on Wedges and Corridors (pdf, 166KB)
- Why is Montgomery County Refining the Goals and Objectives of the General Plan? (pdf, 681KB)
- How Have We Changed since the General Plan was Approved? (pdf, 661KB)
- A Summary: How Montgomery County has Implemented the General Plan (pdf, 677KB)
Land Use Fact Sheet
- Introduction (pdf, 165KB)
- Changes in Land Use (pdf, 386KB)
- Residential Land Use (pdf, 400KB)
- Employment Land Use (pdf, 530KB)
- Relationship of Housing to Employment (pdf, 266KB)
- Farmland and Rural Open House (pdf, 370KB)
- Community Facilities (pdf, 797KB)
- Land Use Pattern and Interrelationships (pdf, 565KB)
Housing Fact Sheet
- Introduction (pdf, 156KB)
- How We Have Changed (pdf, 981KB)
- How We Expect to Change (pdf, 320KB)
Economic Activity Fact Sheet
- Introduction (pdf, 164KB)
- How Economic Activity has Changed (pdf, 727KB)
- Current Employment Conditions (pdf, 679KB)
- Relationship of Housing to Employment (pdf, 168KB)
- Future County Employment (pdf, 267KB)
- Fiscal Facts (pdf, 667KB)
Transportation Fact Sheet
- Introduction (pdf, 253KB)
- Changes in Travel Behavior (pdf, 249KB)
- Changes in Travel Patterns (pdf, 274KB)
- Changes in Trip Times (pdf, 266KB)
- Changes in Means of Transportation (pdf, 264KB)
- Transportation Supply and Demand (pdf, 1.03MB)
Environment Fact Sheet
- Introduction (pdf, 182KB)
- Geology and Soils (pdf, 445KB)
- Climate (pdf, 172KB)
- Drainage Basins (pdf, 392KB)
- Surface Water (pdf, 435KB)
- Wetlands (pdf, 207KB)
- Flood Protection (pdf, 181KB)
- Stormwater Management (pdf, 2834KB)
- Flora and Fauna (pdf, 104KB)
- Trees (pdf, 404KB)
- Parks (pdf, 104KB)
- Air Quality (pdf, 525KB)
- Drinking Water (pdf, 283KB)
- Sewerage System (pdf, 327KB)
- Noise (pdf, 274KB)
- Solid Waste (pdf, 280KB)
- Energy (pdf, 100KB)
- Development Guidelines (pdf, 232KB)
Community Identity and Design Fact Sheet
- Introduction (pdf, 182KB)
- Community Identity as a Planning Issue (pdf, 290KB)
- The Role of the General Plan (pdf, 110KB)
- Who We are (pdf, 415KB)
- Where We Gather and Interact (pdf, 631KB)
- How We Govern Ourselves (pdf, 393KB)
- How We Design Communities (pdf, 620KB)
Regionalism Fact Sheet
- Introduction (pdf, 181KB)
- The Concept of Regionalism (pdf, 574KB)
- The County's Regional Role (pdf, 292KB)
- Issues that Need Regional Approaches (pdf, 1.13MB)
Acknowledgements (pdf, 126KB)